Empathy Map
How would our users feel?
To better understand what our users might feel, think, say or do during a frustrating parking experience, we conducted an empathy map workshop with the objective to find user pain points and desires.
Since the UX team lived in Dallas-Fort Worth, a very populated city with an emphasis on driving, we understood how painful searching for parking can be. The goal was to empathize with the users in order to better design our interview questions for qualitative results.
Empathy Map Scenario
"You are going to a concert at the House of Blues in Dallas and you have to look for parking. It's rush hour and you only have enough time to get there. Making it on time to the event is crucial to you."
Empathy Map Results
The empathy map identified 57 data points. We then studied the patterns and clustered them into 7 themes - Location, Risk, Time, Money, Assistance, Traffic, and Negative Feelings - shown in hot pink sticky notes.